
Friday, July 10, 2015

Perl/Calfbot (spamming script) infection


The presence of a /tmp/... file reveals if a server is infected and the file creation timestamp will accurately reflect the infection time. However if the server is rebooted or the C&C server sends a KILL command, the file will still be present but the malware will not be running anymore. In order to confirm an active infection, one must test the presence of a lock on /tmp/... using the following command:
flock --nb /tmp/... echo "System clean" || echo "System infected"
If one is infected, lsof can be used to see what process owns that lock:
lsof /tmp/...
The following can also validate that the targets of the /proc/$pid/exe symbolic links are the real crond:
pgrep -x "crond" | xargs -I '{}' ls -la "/proc/{}/exe"
Anything looking like "/tmp/ " (with a space) in the output is very suspicious.
pgrep requires the procps package. If you can’t install the package, replace:
pgrep -x crond
ps -ef | grep crond | grep -v grep | awk '{print $2}'


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